Halo 3 is the newest addition to Bungie Studio's Halo series. This game is to be released on Tuesday, September
25, 2007 in the US, and on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 in Europe. It will be sold for $60.00 US dollars (Standard Edition
of the game), $70.00 US dollars (for the Limited Edition), and $120.00 US dollars (for the Legendary Edition). It has been
rated Mature by ESRB.

Developer(s)/Publisher(s): Bungie Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
Platform/Genre: Xbox 360/First-Person Shooter
US Release Date/Price: September 25th, 2007/$60.00
ESRB Rating: Mature (M)
Features: New weapons, vehicles, multiplayer and maps. A new, and climactic ending to the Halo series
in an amazing campaign mode. The new Forge multiplayer map-editing mode.
Reviews: N/A
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